Friday, January 1, 2010

Types Of Toothbrushes What Types Of Toothbrushes Are Good For Braces?

What types of toothbrushes are good for braces? - types of toothbrushes

And do not wear out so fast ... I do not really like a normal electric toothbrushes


  1. The type of toothbrush you use your child is important because the wrong type can damage the soft tissue. Regardless of the age of your child, you should have your soft nylon brush bristles. More hair can cause the gum fade with time. If your child is a minor, the toothbrush should be very low. When he or she will select small toothbrushes that fit easily into the mouth and brush one or two teeth at once. You brush your child needs to be able to reach all teeth, including molars in the back.

    Replace toothbrushes every four months or if they begin to look worn and ragged. If a toothbrush takes a long time before three or four months, you or your child is using too much pressure. It is also a good idea to replace the brooms after his son had a cold or other illness to prevent reinfection.

    Electric toothbrushes are fun and can have more plaque and stains on a conventional toothbrush removed. This does not mean you should go run out and buy one. Toothbrushes are usually very effective. Dueand make it easier to brush, electric toothbrush is for children with special needs, can not sit still long enough to brush your teeth properly with a normal toothbrush helpful.


  2. Do not let the cause of such soft wear suppper rapid treatment of moderate hardness. Photos of the water are impressive ... uu ATA will surprise you how much waste there left

  3. Hi, can you toothbrush especially for devices that do not have the electric battery, or buy ... You at your local pharmacy or orthodontist should be able to one or the other or to sell it for you. Happy Days ... Patty
