Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Can I Feel A Prolapsed Uterus What Is The Treatment For A Prolapsed Uterus And Bladder?

What is the treatment for a prolapsed uterus and bladder? - can i feel a prolapsed uterus

My mother said she feels her uterus are "falling from his body" and the dr. Said it was a uterine prolapse. He also thinks that your bladder prolapse. Next few weeks should see a specialist. What is the treatment for this problem?


  1. The classic answer is the removal of the uterus and the attempt to attach the bladder and the vagina remains in its approximate location above.

    Women who have several children in general, the levels of female hormones fall into menopuase find the uterus begins to rise, as the stretching of supporting ligaments.

    As it is pushed down to lower the uterus into the vagina, turning into the vagina and cervix grows directly out of the body. It's like the inclusion of a protective tube in the wrong direction position. So what you end up with if you have done nothing to clear the vagina protrudes into the uterus and cervix with the outer end. Or I guess you could say that what was a hole "center" becomes a pole. If only lowers the uterus, the result of a remarkable uncircumcised penis - is a bit shorter than the average output of a man, but a little thicker. A little scary at first, even if you can see, but if it is only the uterus, which is like, not a medical problemin itself, and that's what our grandparents spent decades of his life must have. It is is now usually made well before that time - before the cervix protrudes well beyond the body.

    While the bladder or rectum is pulled downward along the uterus stronger and it becomes a medical emergency because it may be difficult or impossible to urinate or to empty it.

    Certainly not to panic but to know that if they do so only at the early stages, long before it outside the body, there are many possibilities of an operation to re-suspend the uterus.

    Where a trademark is incident is usually possible, perform a vaginal hysterectomy.

  2. More likely would have surgery. My mother had similar feelings after 3 children and the necessary reconstruction of the pelvic floor.
